Obstacles in Life are Opportunities That Provide A Challenge

Obstacles to be overcome are challenges.

I'll kick things off with a story illustrating this concept.

Something interesting happened this weekend. In the past month, I purchased a Gazelle exercise machine. It operates as an elliptical. It’s the latest addition to my home gym that I’ve been building off and on for the past year or so. I was under the impression that it was quiet, yet this weekend I was proven wrong. I was on the machine and wanted to go for an hour. However, half an hour in, I heard a couple of loud bangs on the ceiling below me (coming from my floor). I immediately stopped what I was doing. It didn’t take me long at all to put two and two together, and realized that either some noise or vibration was irritating the neighbor below me (apartment living poses a few challenges to a home gym).

How did I handle this? Did I just go store my Gazelle under the bed and resign to never being able to use it in my current home? No, I immediately sized up the situation and saw this as a challenge to be overcome. I had to come up with a way to block the noise/vibration from the floor. It took about an hour of research to discover this, but I could purchase some thick, rubber floor mats from Home Depot that would effectively block whatever commotion was disturbing my neighbor. I bought them yesterday evening.

Resilience will force you to come with solutions that will work for everyone.

The point of this story is this: unforeseen obstacles will come your way if you pursue any kind of ambition endeavor in life. You can let it totally derail and discourage you from proceeding, or you can see them as a sign that allowances need to be made. Sometimes others will take issue with what you do – if it has merit, you can come up with a solution that will work for everyone. I just had to make a couple of adjustments.

Just as it goes with any endeavor, you can come up with solutions that will make life easier for everyone. You just need the right mental framework and the determination to see obstacles for what they are – opportunities to make life easier for everyone.

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